Guidelines for Authors

Manuscript Preparation

Title of Paper
  • The “Title of the Paper” must be in 12-point bold font, accompanied by the details of the author(s).  The corresponding author(s) should include their name, designation, affiliated institution, and contact information, such as email address, phone number, and postal address, for further correspondence.
  • The abstract must be in 12-point font size. It should not exceed 300 words and summarise the main ideas of the manuscript.
  • Please provide between four to eight relevant keywords, listed alphabetically and separated by semicolons, which do not appear in the title.
  • The research topic is introduced with background information that establishes an understanding of the subject. Next, a literature review highlights gaps in existing knowledge, showing where more investigation is needed. This leads to a straightforward research question or hypothesis to address these gaps and guide the research process.
  • The study aimed to examine key questions by outlining the design, describing the participants, detailing the data collection procedures, and using suitable analysis methods. This approach ensures that all aspects of the research are addressed, providing a clear understanding of the study’s framework and execution.
  • Key findings are often presented without any interpretation, including tables, images, diagrams, and figures. This format allows for a clear visual representation of data, making it easier for the audience to understand the critical results at a glance.
  • This section interprets the results of the existing literature, aligning them with the relevant methods, research questions, and objectives. It discusses the study’s strengths and limitations, as well as the implications and directions for future research. Detailed footnotes and citations are provided using MLA/Chicago style.
  • Funding sources, collaborators, and technical assistance are vital for project success and sustainability.
  • This document contains a consolidated list of all books, articles, essays, theses, websites, and documents cited throughout the research paper, formatted in MLA or Chicago style.
  • All submissions undergo a peer review process, where experts assess them for quality and validity before publication.
  • Manuscripts undergo plagiarism checks before acceptance.
  • Full-length articles (2500–5000 words) should comprise original, high-quality research papers, whereas Book Reviews should be 800 to 1200 words. Regarding Formatting & Style Guidelines, the manuscript format must be in MS Word, employing Times New Roman for English text or Arial Unicode for Hindi text.
  • We encourage authors to clearly state any potential conflicts of interest and suggest reviewing the guidelines for good practice.
  • The publisher guarantees the integrity of the academic record. Authors are required to submit the copyright form.
  • The Journal invites quality, peer-reviewed articles and book reviews in English and Hindi based on the aforementioned Pali and Indic Studies guidelines. Contributions should be sent to Dr. Vikas Singh via email (